Thursday, May 10, 2012

Aideu for Now

Hi Everyone!

It's hard to believe that a week from today, I will have officially completed my junior (and last!) year at Mercyhurst!  Things are starting to wrap up here, which is why this will be my last blog post, but here are some fun end of the year activities I have participated in the past few days:

Literally speechless!
On Sunday, my friends surprised me with a going away party since I'll be in New York City.  I literally shrieked with my friends took off my blindfold (after walking up 3 flights of stairs in wedges without vision!) and I saw what they had waiting for me. 

What great friends I have!
The theme of the party was "Sarah and the City," a spin-off of "Sex and the City," my favorite tv series which is located in my new, future home: the Big Apple!  People aren't kidding when they say the best friends you meet are in college! =)

I met Heather when I was a prospective student!
Last night, I was also lucky enough to spend some quality time with some of my favorite fashionistas.  Our department chair planned a Senior Soiree for all of the graduating seniors and FIT girls to attend at the Sheridan hotel.  Not only was there a delicious dinner, but there was a "Guess the Baby" board with all of us on it, senior superlatives (I won "Most likely to question a point deduction on an assignment"), and a small going away gift for all of the girls leaving.  We all had such a great time and it made me realize how lucky I am to have such an amazing department!

Just today, one of my senior friends and I had the chance to meet a freshman who was participating in a university photo shoot.  Immediately when I learned he was a freshman, I asked him how his first year was and not to my surprise at all, he told me how great it was.  My senior friend and I both gave him the advice to not waste a second of his undergrad experience.  With that being said, regardless of where you end up, remember to make the best of your undergrad experience; it truly is some of the best years of your life!

Good luck on finals, have a great summer, and see you in the fall-- this time, in NYC!

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