Sunday, January 29, 2012

Officially a University Student!

Hi All,

So this past week was a very exciting week for Mercyhurst.  On Wednesday morning, all of the students and faculty received an email from President Dr. Gamble, encouraging us to come to the student union because he had a very big announcement.  We knew that the school has been working very hard at earning university status, so we had a feeling that's what was going to be about, but the anticipation was certainly killing us all!

Look, Mom and Dad... I'm a University Student! =)
My roommate Lindsay and I were actually in Ethics class when the big announcement was occurring, but luckily our professor was gracious enough to let us excuse ourselves if we wanted to hear the big announcement.  I was literally getting my scarf wrapped around me as the two of us ran across campus to try and make it to the union.

Lindsay and I just barely missed Dr. Gamble officially announce the school's university status, but we did manage to see the new "Mercyhurst University" seal.  It was an incredibly exciting moment in Mercyhurst's history to be a part of.  But what's even better about this change, is that Mercyhurst is finally getting the acknowledgement it deserves; we can now officially say that we're getting a university-worthy education with the benefits of a small, liberal arts college!  So no worries to any prospective students (or parents!) who think that Mercyhurst will lose it's college charm now that it's a university... it won't!

Here's to truly "Carpe Diem-ing" or "seizing the day!"

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