Sunday, May 1, 2011

Forever Young, I Wanna Be Forever Young...

Hi Everyone!
Vacation time? Hardly. But we try!

Sorry for the brief blogging vacation!  I guess I'm trying to trick myself into thinking that I'm on vacation when in reality, that's hardly the case, haha oops. 

So on Friday night, in honor of the royal wedding, my roommate Chelsea and I, decided to have a belated Princess Party.  I had a fashion test Friday morning, so I didn't wake up and watch the wedding live (as much as I wanted to!), but it was worth the wait.  I wish you could have seen us, we were both on the couch with our tv trays set up, eating Panera Bread for dinner in our pajamas, while watching the Royal Wedding.  I told her how I wished someone was there to take a picture of us because it was truly college life at its finest =)

Relay for Life
On Saturday, Mercyhurst hosted the second annual Relay for Life, which is a great event for such a worthy cause.  My high school always had a Relay for Life so I'd been to the event before, but this year was the first year that I was actually on a team, so that was really cool!  A bunch of student government friends and I were on a team as well as some of the Student Activities Council kids, but a lot of my friends from outside of MSG were on teams too!
Three cheers for Presque Isle!
After I finished my shift at relay, some of my friends and I went to Presque Isle to play on the beach and procrastinate doing homework, err... enjoy the nice weather ;)

My friends and I constantly say how the one thing we've learned in college is how much of a little kid we all are, despite the fact that we're supposedly "adults."  Because let's be honest some things like Princess Parties and playing at the beach, you'll never grow out of!

Here's to another great week-- I have a job interview on Tuesday (I'm trying to find a job so I can stay on campus over the summer!) and then on Friday and Saturday, SPRING FEST!  Stay tuned for more fun college adventures!


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